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Stay Heart-Smart by Reducing Stress!

< 1 min

Jodi stays heart-smart by trying to de-stress her life outside of the office.



Everyone has stress in their lives. I think the day-to-day grind can really weigh a person down. It’s a fact of life. While you can’t always avoid stress, you can learn how to manage it, so it doesn’t control you.

Table of Contents

One of my favorite ways to de-stress is taking my dog out to run and explore the local sights. It gets my blood pumping, clears my head, and helps me utilize a few more minutes of the day when I’m not thinking about deadlines or emails. Sometimes, when I’m feeling especially overwhelmed, I stop and breathe for a moment. Deep breathing, especially smelling the flowers, is a great way to help de-stress. Meeting up with friends is always a fabulous way to forget about the worries of the day for a while.

Incorporating healthy habits into my daily routine by trying to reduce stress helps keep my heart and blood vessels strong!

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